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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

K12: 6

I had one child begin to read in the middle of first grade.  There wasn't much interest before that.  I had another child reading before the fifth birthday.  I have a six year old first grader who is reading, but not completely independently.  She, apparently, is failing.

Problem number twenty-seven with public school:  everyone must meet the same standards at the same time.  You cannot be ahead of the class or you are "gifted."  You cannot be behind the class or you are "slow."  This is where the keeping up with the Jones' mentality begins!  Who freaking cares where you fall on their sliding scale? My kid who read "late," read picture books for about twenty minutes then went straight for Roald Dahl.  My "early" reader stalled when book sizes looked intimidating.  Does that mean the slow reader is now gifted and the gifted reader was suddenly slow?  They both read all of the time and can tell you what they read, how it applies to their life, and if they would recommend it to you.  For crying out loud!  Why do we insist on a nation of mediocre; a people all the same?  My daughter, who is apparently behind in her reading scores, actually loves reading and carries books around, but hasn't had the transformation from unsteady to sure.  Does that mean that she is really behind?  I have a feeling that when reading clicks for her she will be one of those that leaps from Fancy Nancy to Ramona .

In defense of school teachers, they have a lot of kids that they must teach and he can only spread himself so thin.  I understand that, but there are not twenty-eight children in my classroom and I do not have to bow to the publicly drawn standards of average.

We aim to be extraordinary.


April September 21, 2010 at 2:40 PM  

I agree.

I feel so trapped by the school system- mainly because I know I would be an insane homeschooling mother- either way my kids are going to suffer- or sadly adapt. Ugh!! I don't even want to think about it.

Sarah September 30, 2010 at 3:19 PM  

This is one of my biggest problems with school. The whole -he's behind, she's ahead mentality. I think that if I kept Dale in school he'd go his whole life thinking he wasn't smart because he started reading late, and is therefore a dummy.

April November 5, 2010 at 3:36 PM  

I was thinking about this post the other night- you never write about why you homeschool. And I think this is the first time you have shared some of your thoughts on WHY you do.

I wasn't sure it was just a fun thing for you. Or you felt passionate about something in particular- or you are a weenie and can't fathom the idea of your children being away from you for 8 hours a day...

This post is one of many reasons why I love the idea of homeschooling. I think I am going to take one kid at a time and seriously pray- I was so determined to homeschool Kenzie but the spirit has told me that she needs something from public school that I can't offer- I kept fighting the feelings but I know that is where she belongs. Julia might be different...who knows. But anyway-

thank you for sharing "why" for once.

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