Fun Multiplication Mastery Game
Mastery of the times tables is a vital math skill. You Your child will need it in every facet of math and it makes a big difference if they have the figures down cold.
Some people call this game "Salute" and it is a fun way to practice the times tables. You will need a deck of playing cards (Skip-bo or Phase 10 cards work also--just make sure they have the numbers 1-12).
If your child is just getting started with multiplication, play with only the ace (represents 1), 2's, 5's, and 10's (jack can be 10, queen = 11 and king = 12) and then add in higher numbers as they learn them. For example, my son knows his tables up to twelve, but my daughter hasn't yet learned the 7's, 8's, or 12's. We don't put those cards in the deck for our game.
Once you have selected the cards that will be played, deal the remaining deck into two piles, face down. Give each child a stack of cards, reminding them not to look!
Once you have selected the cards that will be played, deal the remaining deck into two piles, face down. Give each child a stack of cards, reminding them not to look!
The children sit across from one another at the table and a third person sits on the end. Each child picks up a card and holds it up to their forehead, like this.
Then he makes a nice face at his sister.
I said a nice face. There, that's better. The third player, which is usually Mom or Dad, says, "The product of your cards is 66."
The Boy cannot see his own card, but knows that his sister is holding a number 6. "I have an 11," he declares. The Girl cannot see her own card, but knows that her brother is holding a number 11. "I have a 6."
That's it. They discard their cards, pick up a new one and Mom says, "The product of your cards is 15."
"I have a 5!"
"I have a 3!"
"YES, good job. Next card."
The game ends when they run out of cards. After a couple of times through, you may want to take out the ace, and 10's. After a few more times, remove the 2's and 11's. You can make it as easy or difficult as you want.
Once you know your child won't give an incorrect product, switch places. You hold a card to your forehead and let one of the kids give the answers.
My kids love this game and choose to play even when it isn't school time.
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