K12: 1
Our oldest is in the sixth grade this year. Last year, I found myself devoted more and more time to just his curriculum--so much so that the other four children were being a bit neglected. Okay, they weren't neglected, it was just a lot of work for me. This made me reach out to find other sources. I have been hearing about K12.com for years and have even looked into it a time or two. This summer I decided it was time. I signed him up because I felt that he was ready to be challenged. Then, because it was free curriculum (of course, not totally free, it is paid for by my tax money, but this is the first time I've been able to take advantage of that fund) and that is a totally new concept to the everyday home schooler, I thought about enrolling more of my children. I have three who are school-aged. My first and fourth grade girls are the workbook types. I thought this online school would fill a desire for them as well.
First thing I noticed: Paperwork. Oh, yes, I thought to myself. I've never had to do all this paperwork before. Find the immunization cards, the birth certificates, the dental records, the Will, the oil change record, copy them all, fax them, fax them again because something didn't go through. Fill out other forms, mail and call and check boxes on the web site. Good grief. I'm not signing them up to count money in the federal bank. I just want some books for which I've already paid.
Some fun things along the way, though. We get to choose an elective. Different kids, different options, but they could choose from music, art, or language (which included Latin, French, Spanish, Chinese, or German). The kids got excited thinking about which direction they might choose.
And then, the boxes came. Seven boxes, three pods.
First thing I noticed: Paperwork. Oh, yes, I thought to myself. I've never had to do all this paperwork before. Find the immunization cards, the birth certificates, the dental records, the Will, the oil change record, copy them all, fax them, fax them again because something didn't go through. Fill out other forms, mail and call and check boxes on the web site. Good grief. I'm not signing them up to count money in the federal bank. I just want some books for which I've already paid.
Some fun things along the way, though. We get to choose an elective. Different kids, different options, but they could choose from music, art, or language (which included Latin, French, Spanish, Chinese, or German). The kids got excited thinking about which direction they might choose.
And then, the boxes came. Seven boxes, three pods.
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